Hand car wash and repair workshop in Earl Shilton, located on Station Road, is set to be demolished and replaced with five homes after Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council (HBBC) approved the redevelopment scheme. The site, a former Murco petrol station, has drawn criticism from local residents for being a source of ongoing disturbance.
One resident voiced strong support for the application submitted by S&Y Motors, describing the noise from the jet washes as a “constant nuisance.” The same resident also highlighted the issue of traffic congestion caused by cars queuing on Station Road to access the facility, often leading to drivers honking in frustration.
However, not all feedback was positive. Two objections were raised, with concerns centered around the potential loss of privacy for neighbors. Additionally, Earl Shilton Town Council opposed the scheme, citing worries about overdevelopment and the proposed arrangements for waste bin storage on the site.
Despite the objections, HBBC planning officers supported the project, arguing that the site in its current state “makes a negative contribution to the character of the area.” The council granted outline planning permission, which approves access from Station Road and the total number of homes to be built. Detailed plans will require a further application.
Preliminary designs suggest the development will include four semi-detached homes at the front of the site and a bungalow at the rear, with parking provided in the middle. HBBC planning officers made the decision under delegated authority, a process that allows council staff to decide on applications without referring them to the full planning committee.